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In Japan, researchers have shown that Caffeine increases memory! Also, a newer study out of Johns Hopkins University showed that a 200 mg caffeine pill helped boost memory consolidation.

Caffeine may help balding men and women regrow some hair. Research published in the International Journal of Dermatology concludes that caffeine is “a stimulator of human hair growth” Hair restoration is a multi-billion dollar industry and this research could eventually lead to safer, more effective cures for baldness.

Caffeine may protect against Parkinson’s disease.Research shows that those who consume coffee are at less risk of developing Parkison’s disease and it even reduces the risk of those genetically more likely to develop the condition.

Caffeine detoxes the liver and cleanses the colon when taken as a caffeine enema.  A coffee enema is currently used by many people undergoing alternative cancer treatment. Several renowned alternative cancer specialists use this method and have had really remarkable success rates.

Caffeine increases stamina during exercise.

Caffeine may prevent skin cancer. A new study out ofRutgers University found that caffeine prevented skin cancer in hairless mice. Another study showed that caffeinated coffee drinkers have less risk of developing melanoma.

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People who consume caffeine have a lower risk of suicide.

Men who consume 250-375 mg of caffeine per day have a much lower risk of developing ED (erectile dysfunction). Reduced risk was even observed among men consuming as little as 85 mg of caffeine daily. This research was conducted by The University of Texas Medical School.

Caffeine may prevent ringing in the ears (tinnitus) in women: A study published in The American Journal of Medicine followed a group of 65,085 nurses since 1991. The women who consumed the most caffeine had the lowest incidences of tinnitus reported.

Caffeine Reduces Kidney Stone Risk. In a large 217,883 person study, those that consumed caffeine from any source had less kidney stone formation than those that did not consume caffeine. The researchers believe that this is because caffeine makes urine more dilute.

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Caffeine improves reaction time and logical reasoningduring times when sleep isn’t possible or restricted.

Caffeine helps those with asthma. A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine concluded that caffeine seems to open airways and help asthmatics breathe easier similarly to theophylline a drug currently used and one that’s a close cousin to caffeine.

Caffeine may prevent weight gain: Research out of Germany showed that weight loss study participants who drank 2-4 cups of caffeinated coffee a day were more likely to be successful at keeping the weight off than those who did not consume caffeine.

Caffeine reduces chronic inflammationResearchers from Stanford University found that caffeine blocks the expression of a gene responsible for low-grade chronic inflammation as we age. This inflammation eventually leads to high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and heart disease. Caffeine seems to help reduce this age-related inflammation in those that are regular consumers of the drug.

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Caffeine helps premature infants: A few doses of caffeine given to premature babies drastically improves lung function and overall survival rate. Newer research found that this therapy produces no long-term side effects as the children age.